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My journey with Falcon FX started in late 2018 when I was trying to trade the Forex markets with very little knowledge. One day, I stumbled upon a Falcon member's Instagram and was immediately intrigued. Unlike others who were sharing their profits or extravagant lifestyles, this person was promoting hard work, personal growth, and sharing the ups and downs of their journey to becoming a full-time trader.

I quickly realized that the entire Falcon community was promoting these values, and I decided to join Falcon to try it out for myself. It has been over 4 years now since I made that decision, and it has completely changed my life, my goals, and my vision for the future.

Through Falcon, I have grown as a person, instilled great values, and learned how to think in order to set myself up for success. Persistence is one value that stuck with me since the very beginning with Falcon, and it has helped me to continue working towards my goals even after experiencing lows.

I am extremely grateful to Mark, Abdu and Ibby for mentoring me, the entire Falcon team for their hard work, and all of the members in this amazing community for inspiring me and being alongside me in this journey towards success.

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Falcon End of Year Event 2022, London UK

Student Spotlights

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